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Pairing in windows

After following the general pairing instructions below, head over to the Kasper's microbit overview page and start creating your first game!

Video of games created with kaspersmicrobit

Step-by-step instructions#

Click on the Bluetooth icon in your system tray.
Click "Show Bluetooth devices"

click bluetooth icon in system tray

The "Bluetooth & other devices" screen opens, click "Add Bluetooth or other device"

Bluetooth & other devices screen

The "Add a device" screen pops up. Now you'll need to put your micro:bit in "pairing mode":

  • Hold down the A, B and reset buttons simultaneously.
  • Release the reset button but still hold the A and B buttons.
  • The LED screen will fill and you should then see the Bluetooth logo, followed by a pairing pattern.
  • Now you can release the A and B buttons

Your micro:bit is in pairing mode and is discoverable by Windows Now click on "Bluetooth"

Add a device

Windows will scan for bluetooth devices, your micro:bit should show up in the list

Discover devices

Click on the micro:bit device in the list, Windows will pair with the micro:bit

Pair with micro:bit

You can click "Done" your micro:bit is paired in Windows!

Finding the Bluetooth address#

If you're not using the easier connection methods, but instead you want to connect to a micro:bit by address, these are the instructions to look up the address in Windows.

Back on the Bluetooth & other devices screen, select your micro:bit and click "More Bluetooth options"

Bluetooth & other devices

The Bluetooth settings window pops up. On the "Hardware" tab, select your micro:bit and click "Properties"

Bluetooth settings

The micro:bit properties window pops up. On the "Details" tab, select the "Association Endpoint address" property. The value of this property is the bluetooth address of your micro:bit. Write this address down somewhere you'll need it to connect to your micro:bit.

Micro:bit properties

Create your first game#

Kasper's microbit is a python package to make a connection to a BBC micro:bit by means of the Bluetooth LE GATT services exposed by the micro:bit.

Video of games created with kaspersmicrobit